Generated output you see may be barely accurate to inaccurate compared to official media.
I (skuqre) am not liable for anything that happens to you.
If you would like to post images to official channels,
I highly recommend you to use fanart instead of using NIKKE's assets.
For more information, please head to the Usage page.
NIKKE assets can be found on NikkeDB's gallery and
Live2D visualizer page for the NIKKEs.
Please keep the watermark on! I don't want you spreading lies!
made by skuqre. more at
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The issues where the site just purely broke because of breaking have been fixed. Sorry about the whole "site genuinely not working" thing.
Technical info: The API endpoint that initializes the list,, vanished for seemingly no reason. It has been replaced with the NKAS-L2D megalist.