Thank you for going here in the first place. Please read the contents carefully.
- Anything you create with these tools are your own, you’re free to do anything you want with it.
- When creations from this tool are posted in official channels (e.g. Official Discord, Reddit, Facebook), I am not liable for anything that happens to you.
- On the Official Discord, creations that use images from NIKKE-DB are prohibited from being posted. Use fanart for your creations if you’d like to post something with this to there instead.
- On the Official Reddit, the tool is widely used! Feel free to post your creations there, but don’t do it too excessively!
- Moreover, when posting creations from this site, please flair your post with Fanfic or Meme.
- On various Facebook groups, it seems to be fine posting images created from this tool (however, I was told most posts were reposts). Feel free!
- When sharing your creations, I recommend you keep the “NFG” watermark on to prevent people from being misinformed. Cropping it out is fine, I know the watermark’s annoying, but I don’t want the site to get taken down as well.
- When you post it, credit is not mandatory, but very much appreciated. However, when someone asks you of how the image was made/“is this real?”, inform them of this site. This goes for both watermarked/watermarkless posts.
- You are not allowed to sell ANYTHING created from this site.
- This encompasses every generator and future generators created after this statement has been added.
- Logo Generator - the font for the “NIKKE” word mark is under personal use.
- Dialogue Generator - contains assets made by SHIFT UP CORP. and Proxima Beta Ltd.
- Blabla Generator - contains assets made by SHIFT UP CORP. and Proxima Beta Ltd.
- Boss Warning Generator - contains assets made by SHIFT UP CORP. and Proxima Beta Ltd.
- Banner Generator - contains assets made by SHIFT UP CORP. and Proxima Beta Ltd.
- Various assets belong to SHIFT UP CORP. and Proxima Beta Ltd.
- Only the code and a number of assets made by skuqre is under MIT License, which allows for commercial use.
- You are however allowed to create physical objects (e.g. Acrylic keychains, Plastic cards, etc), but NOT SELL THEM!
- Some common sense as well, credit the artist if you’re using fanart for your creations! Not mandatory, but it’d be AWESOME if you did!!!
Fonts used in this site are not made by me. Rightful credits are in the credits page.
The following is not legal advise. There’s a chance that these fonts disappear too.
This site is not endorsed by, created by, or affiliated with SHIFT UP CORP. and Proxima Beta Ltd.
All characters and various assets belong to SHIFT UP CORP. and Proxima Beta Ltd.
**No revenue is being generated from this site. Moreover, there is no way to do so.
If you have other concerns about the site, you can contact me through:
- Reddit (
- Discord (send a message request to
I’ll attempt to address your concerns to the best of my ability.
I will only entertain concerns about this site and my other NIKKE projects.
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