Update Log

card generator Aug 25, 2024

introducing a new tool to the roster: the Card Generator!

make ANYTHING look like a Nikke Unit! hell, maybe even NPCs!

add a [REDACTED] amount of cores on them as well, why not?!

- suggested by reedzylx from the Nikke Community Discord

blabla gen


a long, long, time ago… Aug 19, 2024

logo gen

dialogue gen

blabla gen

boss warning gen


a taste of ultimate! Aug 1, 2024

here i give you a taste of ultimate!

dialogue gen

hello Jul 8, 2024

blabla gen

special thanks to Lorax from the Nikke Community discord for providing me rapture sis!

just a note, the rapture list excludes the renames that occurred from the NIER event, as they dont have much visual change (except for White Smith 9810811510911663)

also, when looking for raptures, you’re gonna need to put rapture in your query to make the search look for raptures specifically.

hello Apr 30, 2024

blabla gen

logo gen


hello Mar 3, 2024

blabla gen

i have not done my dailies the past 4 days
the keyboard update is coming soon i promise

hi Feb 17, 2024

blabla generator


I mainly am working on Anisa right now. no ideas for this site currently so /shrug
I am stupid and put it as “beta” but like none of the functions are like existing so it’s more of in an indev stage lolé

boss warning Jan 22, 2024

introducing the next tool to the roster: the boss warning generator!

this creates an image with the boss introduction ui overlayed onto it. barely accurate, of course.

proper credits have been added to their specific pages!

- suggested by mimir from the Nikke Discord


blabla gen

profile pages Jan 7, 2024

blabla gen


first update of the new year! thank you for using the tool and keeping me motivated to update the site!
also, I’ve been interested in adding translations to the site, go visit if you’re interested!

guides, and thoughts Dec 30, 2023

blabla gen

dialogue gen


Accurate-r than ever Dec 27, 2023

blabla gen

dialogue gen


yes I know the exporting indicator is not working as usual, I have to find a better way to find frames than this

characters Dec 23, 2023

blabla gen

video exporting Dec 21, 2023

blabla gen

attachments Dec 19, 2023

blabla gen


rewrite, indicators, choices, and more Dec 18, 2023

blabla gen

dialogue gen

i unfortunately could not find a good fix for the Safari issue (text is offset vertically), but if i were to implement a fix, it would include manual user intervention; if yall want that, let me know.

it seems that Reddit has been using this as well! i posted some feature previews in there and it gained some attention. to the folks at the Official Reddit — thank you. the shitposting has been indeed awesome.

banger! Dec 15, 2023

blabla gen


crown and chime unfortunately do not have official profile picture crops (yet), so i’m not adding them!

usage changes Dec 12, 2023

qol Dec 11, 2023

blabla gen

HELLOO!!! the post got a lot of stuff goin on in it so im really happy rn…
NIKKE-DB is a glorious life-saver. some sort of personal blogpost may elaborate on this.

some qol stuff to feast on to, as this week am busy!


Blabla Generator (BETA) Dec 10, 2023

blabla generator!!

other changes

blabla generator! the next tool on the roster! i find it odd how it turned out — i myself thought it was going to be the skills screen.

either way, enjoy!

Dialogue Control Types Dec 8, 2023

Numbers Dec 6, 2023

More motion Dec 5, 2023

Stuff Dec 2, 2023

temp: Happy birthday, Kevin Dec 2, 2023

just a temporary happy birthday Kevin

in all seriousness, this is a small little birthday thing for KennyP1, one of the people who first played with the Dialogue Generator! big thanks to you for using it avidly when it was in it’s bones.

also: this is now a thing in the NIKKE Community server! there was a time where i would think to ask “i wonder how much would it take to get to #community-projects” but now it’s in there since one of the big guys, Reed, noticed the site, and gave me the pass to post there!

don’t worry about Anis’s default btw, she’ll comeback in ~12 hours after this update’s release!

if you’d like to give a feature request or bug report, you can holler me there!

update 1: now changed to “Kenny”

Frame Allowance Dec 1, 2023

ladies and germs we are now able to prolong the video/gif

i intentionally did not include exporting to individual frames to be prolonged because i want that to be as “raw” as possible

the sole purpose of “individual frames” is to use such media for your editing shenanigans, but if you’re against that idea, just holler at me at discord or smn

thank you!

Motion Nov 27, 2023

it’s time for some motion!

i pretty much overcomplicated the addition of this, so it’s in the essence of “scripting”

it’s pretty limited right now, but more to come if the people ask of it!

motion explanation

Export Nov 26, 2023

explanation page for each export type

the site now uses tools like Buffer, gif-encoder, and client-zip for things like this. hope y’all enjoy.

Fixes Nov 25, 2023

Newlines Nov 24, 2023

Action / Narration Nov 23, 2023

Resize-able Nov 22, 2023

huge shoutout to folks at the Official Server who use this. y’alls creations make me happy.

Small Mobile Support Nov 21, 2023

Adjustments Nov 20, 2023

Choices Nov 17, 2023

Should have been in there since the beginning, but whatever.

Dialogue Generator Updates Nov 12-14, 2023

Public-er Release Nov 11, 2023

This site has always been public — but it was only seen by the people at the Official Discord to use.

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